The Moranbah East State School Parents and Citizens (P&C) Association is a group of dedicated parents and staff who are involved in a variety of activities to raise funds to support the teachers and administration staff in providing the best experience for our children at Moranbah East. Some of the activities include running our tuckshop, uniform shop and various social and fundraising stalls.
2024 Executive Committee
President - Vacant
Vice President - Vacant
Treasurer - Hiedi Jeffery
Secretary - Rebekah Adams
Grants Officer - Bianca Marek
Fundraising Co-Ordinator - Karly Thomas
We invite all parents and members of the wider Moranbah East community to come along and share your ideas about how to make our improve our school! There are many opportunities for parents who would like to be involved in the school community. Some of these include assisting in the tuckshop, uniform shop, Mother's Day and Father's Day stalls and various fundraisers throughout the year. All monies raised by the P&C is put back into the school for the benefit of our students.
To join the Moranbah East State School P&C feel free to email or visit the Facebook page for updates.
P&C Meetings
At Moranbah East State School our P&C committee meet on a Wednesday evening during the school term, as advertised on Facebook.
Previous P&C Initiatives
P&C donations for the 2021 year totalled over $90,000 (including $33,000 worth of grants gained by the P&C). More information is detailed below.
Significant contributions:
- Student leader badges
- 5 interactive screens for classrooms $17,800 (Anglo donated $10,000)
- Year 2 shelter $32,700 ( BHP donated $10,000)
- Year 2 eating area seating project $5,800 (Stanmore Coal donated $3,000)
- School book donation $10,000
- Fan Fare Choir
- Interschool buses
- Funds from the Arts Exhibition
- Ipads for Inclusion Team $14,500 (BHP donated $10,000)
- Drawing Club
- Grade 6 Graduation $960
- Support for Year 1 Teachers for loss of items in fire $500 per teacher
Fundraisers and Events
- Easter raffle
- Mother's Day stall
- Art Exhibition
- Under 8's Day
- Book Week
- Father's Day Stall
- Student Award Ceremonies
- Grade 6 Graduation
- End of Year Gala sausage sizzle and raffle
- Book gift from P&C personally delivered to all classes
Should you require further information or assistance, please feel free to email