Same day student absence notification
Definition, rationale and policy
What is same day student absence notification?
Queensland state schools are to advise parents/carers when their child is absent without explanation as soon as practicable on that day, allowing time for parents/carers to respond before the end of the school day.
From Day 1 Term 3 2016, this requirement is in place for students who are in out-of-home care.
From Day 1 Term 1 2017, this requirement will be in place for all students.
Why introduce a same day notification requirement?
The safety and wellbeing of students are the highest priorities for the department.
This requirement reflects community expectations.
Schools need to know when and why a child is absent and parents/carers need to know if their child hasn't turned up for school.
Improvements in technology and its widespread use help make same day notification readily accessible for many schools and families.
Where are the state school's responsibilities about same day notification outlined?
Both the
Roll Marking in State Schools and
Managing Student Absences and Enforcing Enrolment and Attendance at State Schools
procedures have been updated to reflect this change.
Are parents/carers to be notified every time a student is away from school without explanation?
Yes. If a student is away for one or more days and no explanation has been provided by the parent/carer, a notification should be provided each day.
What if a student is refusing to attend school?
Even when, despite a parent/carers best effort, a child refuses to attend school, the parent/carer should still contact the school as soon as possible each day to let them know. If a child is refusing to go to school it is important for parents/carers to talk to the principal early for advice and to find out what assistance is available.
Do schools need to notify parents/carers of an unexplained student absence on days like the last day of term or sports carnival?
Yes. Students should be attending school every day as it is vital to their educational outcomes, employment options, future earning capacity and general well-being - Every Day Counts. Parents/carers should be notified each and every time a student is away from school without an explanation.